The creative arts have a unique and vital role to play in the life of the church. Creative expression enriches our gathered worship and takes us into a deeper understanding of what it means to love God with our whole heart and soul.

One of our main creative areas is our worship music ministry. We have music teams serving at both our 10am and NightChurch services, as well as an organist who plays at the morning service once a month for our traditional communion service.

Sometimes our music is simple.
Sometimes our music is extravagant.

We sing a broad range of music in our services, from classic hymns to contemporary songs – even some of our own original music 

In August 2019 our music team recorded an EP “Daughters and Sons”, live at NightChurch, featuring four congregational worship songs, with three originals.

The overarching theme of the EP is identity in Christ – knowing who we are in God. This theme is woven throughout the four songs through the narrative of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Declaration. The final words sung are: “Lord, help us know who we’re made to be.” This is our prayer over the EP – that through these songs, God would draw us into a deeper understanding of who we are in Him, empowering us to go out into the world in the assurance of His grace and love, and to step into all that He has purposed for us – His chosen and beloved children; His daughters and sons.

You can listen now on SpotifyAppleYouTube, and other major streaming platforms. Physical CDs are also available for purchase at the Church Office.

Live EP

Contact Details:

Lauren Pickering