Flourish: A ministry of KBC that aims to create an interconnected sisterhood of women who empower, support and grow each other in their journey in their faith.

With the launch of this new ministry in late 2018, the last few years have been about seeing what both God and the women of KBC want for this ministry.

The Women’s Ministry team (Lauren Pickering and Briah Black) meet consistently throughout the year to plan, dream and pray for our women’s ministry.

We are currently utilising the Flourish Facebook page as an online forum to support each other, communicate and have a bit of fun as the women of our Kew Baptist Church!

For more information, contact us via the Church Office!

Ladies Fellowship: This ministry embodies a sense of community and caring, for women of all ages, as well as encouraging each other in our faith journeys.

Kew Ladies Fellowship meets eight times a year. We gather in various homes and enjoy a devotion time, speaker (often someone from our own church here at KBC who has been involved in a mission or work experience in another culture) and fellowship over supper.  Themes for the night vary from overseas mission work to local community endeavours by different members of KBC. It offers a chance to connect with young people in the church who come to speak and also to contribute as a team to mission projects like our own sponsor child in Uganda. We look forward to being together each month and between meetings seek to encourage and care for each other, and previous members, through the challenges of life. 

For more information,

Carolyn Schiffman
(via the Church Office)